FFXIV: Pleasing Visual Effect And Excellent The Creatures And Scenery

Maplestoryaccount Date: Aug/24/17 17:04:36 Views: 1206

On the whole, Final Fantasy XIV has a very distinct final fantasy style that's very pleasing to the eye and the creatures and scenery as always look excellent. If you are a Final Fantasy fan you'll definitely enjoy this MMO game. Final Fantasy XIV has extremely beautiful graphics both in quality and style specialy for an MMO, it's probably one of the best looking MMO out there. It is necessary to obtain Final Fantasy XIV Gil

The game does have it's pros and cons, but, with the release of Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood, Final Fantasy XIV seemingly go-ahead a big step, it's not hard imagine that Final Fantasy XIV exceed 10 million players, however, this figure is indeed a known fact. Today, let's see details about this game pros and cons. 


Various dungeons

Beautiful Graphics and sense of style

8+ classes none of them gender locked

Enormous ammount of side quests to do

Good ammount of races to pick at the start

Nice main storyline both in quality and content

Can have a character learn every single class in the game

Lots of mini games of which the best one is chocobo racing

Nicely optimised no visible lag at all if your connection is reasonable obviously


Low level gear can look very similar to each other

Finding parties for dungeons can take an eternity

English voice acting feels forced and stiff on some characters

Monthly subscription can deter some players specially non final fnatasy fans

Square enix sometimes restricts your account and forces you to change your password for no apparent reason

Final Fantasy XIV is unique in that you can level every class/job/craft on a single character so you don't have to make tonnes of avatars. Great story, plenty of content and a great social community. Game looks gorgeous, really, it's stunning how lifelike some mobster are, more authentic videos and footage, news and guides, why not visit here to know more?